The Technical Glossary of Transpositional Theology and Beyond

The Transpositional Theology Technical Glossary

This is a glossary of terms and phrases that are coined particularly or used technically by The Transpositional Theology family of blogs.

Active [Sexual] Purity An investment in sexual purity that understands purity as a teleological reality. Here purity seeks to develop a sexual life appropriate to one’s nuptial vocational call.  In the premarital state it implies a sexual disposition that is forward looking and uses an inner life of moral sexual fantasy.  In the married state, it implies a healthy sacral sexual life. 

Adaptive Integralism (ist)  Adaptive integralism is adaptive in three forms, it adapts to the political structures humanity needs in a given situation to best facilitate cooperative grace.  It adapts it’s evangelical methodologies to the population at hand by inculturating the gospel, so that the gospel is recognizable.  And lastly its purpose is to adapt the culture, to fulfill it, so that it can become a place where grace God’s through Christ is seen for what it is and the culture facilitates cooperation with that grace with the aim of becoming an alter Israel.  

Agnostic Relativism A philosophical position which asserts that there may or may not be objective truth, but even if there is we cannot know for certain. Criteria for demonstrating any absolute truth are hard to nail down. Defined criteria are simply things we agree upon and are relative themselves. Because there is no way of universally demonstrating truth, there is no way of knowing it. The conclusion for the agnostic relativist is that any quest for ultimate truth should be abandoned and the concept of absolute truth should have no bearing on our beliefs or actions. 

Agnostic Cosmology The ability to identify the assumptions of one’s cosmology and understand the humans do not achieve perfect knowledge of the cosmos, therefore any cosmology is not “provable”.

Alchemic Signification In the alchemic signification a miraculous change of matter occurs and the change conveys a meaning that relates a mystery of the church. 

Alter Israel  A framework goal for adaptive integralism that seeks the vision of the New Jerusalem for a nation, but recognizes the Jewish understanding of all nations entering their own covenant with the God of Abraham, thus creating many varied and unique cultural manifestations of culture and nation according 

Anthro-Authenticity What a human is supposed to be according to God’s plan.

Anthro-Diversification A term indicating the difference in the situation of the original humans, Adam and Eve, and postlapsarian humanity. Specifically regarding how humans relate lovingly in the paper concerning same attractive dyadic solemn relationships. The first parents had no choice but to love one other member of the opposite sex, once humanity diversified after the fall other types of relationships were necessary. The phrase can expansively relate to the different types of virtues that would be acquired by a postlapsarian righteous person as opposed to a person simply possessed of original justice. 

Anthro-Exclusivity When one group labels another group or other groups as non or sub-human. 

Anthro-Expansivity The idea that if a movement bills itself as accepting and inclusive it must have the most expansive definition of what it is to be a human. 

Anthropic Plot Points Refers to “points'' along the spectrum of the anthropological paradox. Any way we coagulate a community, micro or macro, along the spectrum becomes a point in reference to any other way of conceiving a community.     

The Anthropological Paradox The paradox that humans and humanity have an equal ontological status in Christianity and therefore humans must consider each equally considering aspects of theology and morality.

Apophatic Interchangeability of Celestial Beings  A position that takes into account Christian theodicy, teleology, and the scope of the fields of salvation and damnation, and recognizes there is no real way to know the nature and intent of a celestial being one may be personally engaging with.  One can only know that it is possible to use this engagement toward recognizing and accepting grace, or ignoring and/or rejecting grace.

Applied Remythologization The practice of the ability to see the world with the modern empirical/materialist cosmology and at the same time see the world through a lens where mythic realities are present and active.   It is practiced by acquiring a multivalent cosmology through the techniques of mythic-lens reconstruction.

Astro-Kinetic Contemplation The method takes symbols and meanings of the heavenly bodies and relates them to each other and to other facets of liturgical rhythms in order to intuitively and contemplatively engage in prayer through the signs of creation.  It happens in four parts, charting, contemplation, integration, and experience. 

Astro-Kinetic Contemplative Chart A tool used in astro-kinetic contemplation.  It is a simple dated map of the stars and planetary bodies in conjunction with the phase of the moon, the liturgical season, and the relevant three sources; the readings from the Liturgy of the Word, the Office of Readings, and the lives of the saints.  The chart serves as an organizer of information in order to begin contemplation, integration, and experience. 

Atomistic Ecclesiological Digital Influencer  An ecclesiological digital influencer who uses the digital continent seeking to conform the church to their particular worldview.  This type of influencer strikes out against every position and does not align with other groups.  In short they are the constant critic.

Audio Visual Cognitive Integration  The back and forth interplay between audio and visual stimulus of the external world, which is the most “far-reaching” sensory detection, and the imaging of that data as the medium of cognition as well as the dream world.  This back and forth reminds one that one is integrated into one’s deepest self to the furthest reaches of the external world.  

Autocephalous Nuptial Diarchy  A Nuptial Diarchy that has members (children) who will go on to possibly join other hierarchies (clerical or consecrated),  or create their own nuptial diarchies. 

Autocephalous Members  A child in the care (or under the authority of) a nuptial diarchy.  The assumption is that, ultimately that child will grow up and move on to join other hierarchies (clerical or consecrated),  or create their own nuptial diarchies. 

Auxiliary Sacral Material [Auxiliary Sacral Matter] Any matter that is not confluential sacral matter, which is used to glorify God in paraliturgy.  Given a sacramental cosmology this is theoretically the material of the entire physical world that is not receptive or confluential sacral material.

Auxiliary Self  In short the auxiliary self is the body.  But the term connotes the fact that the body is seen as both intimate self, but also “other” because it is part of the material world. The term hints at how the body itself can be used as the bridge between the inner self and the exterior world.

Baptismal Priesthood [Priesthood of Baptism, Priesthood of the Ordinary Form] The priesthood that is conferred with baptism.  It is a priesthood of sacrifice and mediation by will and action in the world.  This priesthood operates by means of the alter Christus in the world as opposed to standing in persona Christi in a sacramental ritual. This priesthood could be called “ordinary form” when contrasted to priesthood by orders, which is the extraordinary form.

Beatitudinal Reorientation  The act of living out one’s social role in a society that is infected with original sin, yet living that role through the lens of the Beatitudes. This is particularly applicable for those who hold positions of power or authority of any kind in a structure that affects social sin.

Bio basics The skills one needs to feed, maintain hygiene, and physically care for ourselves.

Bio-Fulfillment (Bio-Summative Experience)  The physical aspect of the fulfillment of the fully actualized (or actualizing) hero in a religious narrative.  For Christ this the moment of his crucifixion would be the moment of his actualization.  His glorified body could also be seen as a bio-fulfillment state, but as actualized, not as actualizing. 

Bio-genital concept [model] of virginity (Bio-virginity) A belief that virginity is tied to biology or is a biological state (usually for women).  This is opposed to a cooperative concept or model of virginity, where loss of virginity is related to knowledge and will, as opposed to objective biological action.

Calculated Demonic Attunement Calculated demonic attunement is a spiritual technique that takes into account the interface of divine sovereignty, theodicy, and cosmology in order to allow the practitioner to recognize the role of demons in one’s life and use that relationship to better maneuver one’s perception and volition toward virtue. 

Calculated Demonic Attunement Toward Volition The variety of calculated demonic attunement that reminds one that angels or demons who “tempt” are simply angels of freewill.  This skill focuses on the temptation as an opportunity to express love through free choice.  

Calculated Demonic Attunement Toward Humility The variety of calculated demonic attunement that reminds one that  when a demon makes a temporary victory through temptation, it is no longer an opportunity for fortitude and will, but one of humility and grace.  

Calculated Ritual A ritual action that utilizes a symbolic language symbiotic with both dream on the individual level and myth on the socio-cultural level, which seeks to invest one in and actualize deep human meaning. It is calculated because it adds or is the interface of the collective unconscious expressed as myth and how this myth is consciously acted upon ritually. The ritual allows for participation in meaning and myth and allows the actor to activate myth and meaning in their own life, and in this respect, it is calculated toward an effect.

Candidate Saints Saints who were validly baptized by water, but in their life were not under the jurisdiction of the Roman Pontiff.  They may have been schismatics or protestants, but because they were validly baptized, they are Christians and were able in life to access the grace of baptism, and if they were sincerely seeking the truth, they were equivalent to candidates in the RCIA program.

Carto-Centric Contemplation  A methodology of Tri-Phenomenal Carto-Contemplation that synchronizes the saints, the tarot arcana, and the liturgical calendar by starting with the cards.  It involves pulling the card and then consulting the calendar and litanies in meditation.

Celestial [Mythic] Being  A being that lives in the (physical) heavens according to the old cosmology. Examples would be gods, angels, demons, Tirthankaras, and celestial bodhisattvas and buddhas. 

Celestial Edge Wardens A type of celestial being that ”dances on the edge of oblivion”.  According to the cosmological Paradox, such beings push humans to evil (a lack of goodness) in order to grow and expand goodness.  They perform this task by two methodologies, suffering and temptation.  They come under two varieties, angles, who act at the behest of God, and demons, who act out of rebellion, but their rebellion facilitates the cosmic reality of rebellion thereby allowing for human rebellion, and therefore, true (volitional) love.  

Christ the Criminal  In adaptive integralism, this title for Christ recognizes that Jesus as he lived in the cosmological paradox and dwelt on this earth was never an earthly king, but was a criminal.   Both of these titles can be understood analogically and be developed to draw out important moral lessons, especially concerning structures of society.  Only former title (Christ the king) is able to be anagogically interpreted, because Christ will not be a criminal in the Eschaton. The latter title (Christ the Criminal) is the only one that is historically present, Christ was in fact a worldly criminal, not a worldly king.  Thus of the two, “Christ the Criminal” tends to be the more useful title for postlapsarian pastoral and practical application

Christian Power Dynamics A power structure informed by proper humility and beatitude where “the greater serve the lessor”. In such a power dynamic it often becomes hard to distinguish who is the greater and who is the lessor because all power is channeled toward love of the other.

Christian [or Trinitarian] Ontology The Christian ontological worldview, that reality is simple and manifold at the same time. All of reality is one, yet at the same time infinitely divisible. This worldview is derived from the Christian view of God, who is also simple and manifold at the same time, one God and three persons. 

Christo-analogical Interchange [Analogical Interchange]

  1. A methodology for interpreting scripture where one interprets a parable having one character represent Christ, then switch the character who represents Christ to get a thematically related meaning, that explores subtle nuances in the application of the text by comparison. This methodology works as well for God, your neighbor, yourself etc.

  2. As a method of sacramental signification, it is the ability of the baptized, by virtue of their baptismal priesthood, to operate as alter Christus according to four relational modalities.  This ability may present as alternating or simultaneously depending on the situation.

Circadian Time Phenomenological time as measured by the rhythm of the shift between the waking world and the dream world

Cognitive Emptiness An expansion of the via negativa of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite.  It is the technique of emptying one’s mind in order to experience self by other means than cognition.  It is a necessary skill for shifting one’s locus of being from “just behind the eyes” to other parts of the body in order to achieve a union of being with the exterior.

Cognitive Redemption  This term recognizes the enslavement of the mind to false ideology.  Cognitive redemption works to free people from false ideologies and the destructive consequences of following them.  It is redemption in that someone is “freed”, but it lacks any sort of payment or ransom, therefore, unless specifically tied to myth allegorically, it is simply evangelization. 

Comment Dialogue Commentary dialogue is the dynamic, relational, and social aspect of digital citizenship. Generally, any form of content conveyance will have a way that people can comment on what it said. In this space micro-evangelization that works on interpersonal relationships as opposed to static conveyance of information. 

Companionship Christology  A Christological approach which seeks to guide one who engages in it toward a better or clearer way to approach Jesus as a fellow human, one like us in all things but sin.  It is a way of coming to know Jesus as Emmanuel “God with us”.  When coupled with devotional Christology it becomes a way to understand how God experiences companionship with us through the sacrifice of the incarnation. 

Compounding Concupiscence The effect of one concupiscent disorder inflaming another, which intern inflames the first in a cyclical escalation of misery, anxiety, and mutually intensifying tendency toward sinful action.

Concupiscent Centrifugal Effect The effect of the extremes of a spectrum, such as homo and hetero attraction, which foments sin and then exacerbates the sinful activity out of wrathful or envious disdain for in each other. 

Confluential Sacral Material [Confluential Sacral Matter] Consists of flour, wine, oil, water. These are the materials that receptive sacral material (human bodies) need to engage in sacramental ritual propper.  These materials physically interact with the body in all of the ways that we discussed in the treatise The Three Tiered Integration of Self.  But once affected by the calculated ritual of the church they also become an effective confluence between the spiritual world (as a means of grace) and the physical world.  

Conscious Ritual Investment A technique for religious ritual participation one can effect if one is submerged in a culture where one’s religious rituals are not supportive toward an intuitive level of investment. The technique of conscious ritual investment works on three levels a teleological level, a cognitive level and on the level of somnium spirituality.

Contemplative Prediction The cosmology of contemplative prediction assumes both cyclical and linear time coexisting.  That mutual tension allows for free will within the phenomenological matrix of existence.  The beatitude of contemplative prediction is one of cosmological acceptance and cooperation with both God and nature as God constructed it.  Contemplative prediction cooperates with mythic history in order to allow the practitioner to better abide in and utilize their personal being the the present.  Contemplative prediction is juxtaposed to a predictive analytical view of the future that uses a data driven view of the past to manipulate the future.

Content Conveyance  In the digital continent, content conveyance is a page or platform that is relating direct information. It could be a blog, a news site, or any other more objective conveyance of information. Content conveyance could also be an artistic outlet from music to video, to memes, to dramatic video etc. If a digital evangelizer were to utilize content conveyance as a medium for digital evangelization it could be said that they are evangelizing the digital continent, making the space itself a place of grace and beauty.

Contingent Immortality of the Soul Belief that immortality of the soul is contingent on God’s promise and not a guarantee. In this belief, at death one nihilates into nothingness, and is brought back through God’s power by his Word. The phenomenological experience from the human point of view is instantaneous, but such a belief is stronger than a stable immortality of the soul, in that one must believe in God’s power to create ex nihilo and recreate ex nihilo.

Conversion, Cosmic Evangelization by To Seek the conversion of a Demon by a changing the cult of that angelic power and actualizing it, that is, turning it to its true end, to bring glory to God. The rite and ritual of the humans is changed to offer dulia to the angelic power and latria to God. In this case, the principality can either accept appropriate dulia and come under the power of Christ the king, drawing humanity to God, or be self-banished from cultic activity. Again humans judge the angels, what is bound on Earth is bound in heaven and what is loosed on Earth is loosed in heaven.

Cooperative Concept [Model] of Virginity An understanding of virginity as a spiritual reality.  This view understands virginity as gradated, in similar ways as we understand culpability, according to investment in will and knowledge. First, one must will to lose one’s virginity.  It is a gift offered to the partner.  Just as one cannot accidentally sin, one cannot accidentally or unintentionally lose one’s virginity.  Second, to give this gift, one must understand what they are giving and the fullness of what they are giving is sacramental signification through sexuality.  To the extent that they lack this knowledge and ability, they cannot “fully” lose their virginity.  See: Non-virgin [Sexual Co-Signifier]

Coordinated Profound Elicitation A variety of profound elicitation that uses an astro-kinetic contemplative chart of the day in coordination with a calibrating day from the past.  In classical astrology this would be the day of one’s birth, but for coordinated profound elicitation, it can by any day significant to the day of the contemplation.   

Corporeal Signification [Three Modes of] The act of human body as receptive sacramental matter and thus able to effect a sacramental  “sign” (a symbolic reality that presents or makes real the thing symbolized).  There are three modes of corporeal signification, two are priesthoods, Baptism and Ordained, the last is nuptial. Corporeal signification can be conscious or unconscious.

Corporeal Reimagining  The basic idea is an expansion of Pope Saint John Paul II’s general intention in his Theology of the Body.  This technique seeks to reimage the off-base Christian bias against body that has infected the western tradition since its birth in the Hellenistic milieu.  Each methodology of corporeal reimagining intends to conceive of the body as an instrument of prayer instead of an adversary or burden to one’s spirit.

The Corporeal Temple  The Human body as a temple of the Holy Spirit

Corpore-Morbid Spirituality A spirituality that seeks to access a healthy communal prayer life with the saints by means of standing with them in body as their souls remain before God in heaven.

Corrective Scapegoat Manuver A spiritual manuver that recognizes in as much as we are scapegoating others we can use this urge to examin oursleves.  When one places the ills of society upon an adversary, one must learn to shift the scapegoat from “the other” to one’s self, the evil we are trying to place on that person is often a part of ourself we need to hand over and destroy. 

Cross-Spectral Mutual Pedagogy A pedagogy available when a dyad along a spectrum seeks to comes into a relationship and mutually edify. The extremes of the spectrum will lead to sin, but the mutual edification along points between the extremes leads to balance, the development of the virtue of temperance as well as other case-specific virtues.

Cosmic Disparity A term used to recognize the difference in the situation between the three states of humanity according to the cosmological paradox, Eden, Postlapsarian reality, and the Eschaton. 

Cosmic Evangelization The process undertaken by the Mystical Body of Christ, the Pilgrim Church on Earth, whereby we seek to conform the cosmos to the vision of the Eschaton, just as we seek to conform ourselves to what we will be in the Eschaton. It is the process of accepting the principalities and powers of all the various peoples who prepared humanity for the coming of Christ and offering them proper dulia. It is also the process of seeking to convert, those power who seek latria for themselves to beings who take glory only in dulia and offering latria to God. Lastly, it is the process of replacing cultic rituals aimed at demonic principalities and powers with proper calculated ritual offered with saints, such that their intercession is sufficient for humanity's need for such calculated ritual. 

Cosmic Parallel Signification Cosmic Parallel Signification is when the bodies of a nuptial dyad signify impersonal realities of the cosmos, often signifying the union of opposites ever present according to Christian ontology.  Being a primordial sacrament, the exercise of signification in marriage moves beyond the focused structures of the church beget at the incarnation.  The nuptial dyad has the possibility of signifinig cosmically, especially in thier sexaul lives, as the first parents did in Eden. Lustful sexual objectification is a corruption of this original goodness.

The Cosmic Temple [The Sacramental Matrix / The Sacral Matrix] A reference to the physical world that focuses on and implies a sacramental cosmology.  This was the effective temple of paradise in Eden and will be the temple again in the Eschaton.  The sacred vessels of this temple are confluentail and auxiliary sacramental material. 

Cosmological Disorder  The experience of disorder in the scope of salvation history brought about by the reordering of the cosmos from dual communion in paradise to the communion of the multitude in The Eschaton.

Cosmological Materialistic Dualism The application of a dualistic cosmology to a sacramental worldview.  In a Christan  sacramental cosmology all of physical reality is part of a communication system from God to humanity with the potentiality to convey grace.  When one is invested in a dualistic cosmology (a cosmology that breaks reality down to being under the power of good and evil spiritual realities) one may take a sacramental view that holds the negative, that there are physical objects that convey good or evil “in and of their physicality”.

The Cosmological Office Like the Divine Office, the Cosmological Office is a meditation that works according to temporal rhythm.   The Cosmological Office also takes seven spaces of prayer a day to pray, but instead of the rubrics of the Divine Office, one has prepared by contemplating the astro-kinetic contemplative chart and has seven heavenly bodies arrayed in seven houses.  By a simple comparison and contrast between typologies and attributes of the heavenly bodies and the disciplines and practices of the spheres, one calls to mind a focal intention, meditation, or inspiration for various times of the day. 

The Cosmological Paradox When we try to picture all of reality at once, we can conceive of the spectral paradox between Eden and the Eschaton.  This is the cosmological paradox.  Here we have the simplicity of humanity and the absolute complexity of humanity which form a unit through the process of reordering we are calling salvation history, the process we abide in.  The motion of this process at the extremes is the process of a communion of two persons who form the basic unit of humanity, the First Parents, splintering into multiple billions of self regarding sentient beings that must first self-regard (alienation) then turn from that splintered selfishness back to a relationship of oneness.  It is a motion from dyadinal mutual appropriation to seeming infinite self-regard to maximal mutual appropriation at every level.  

Cosmological Synchronicity The ability to synchronize cosmologies with Christianity acquiring the good and jettisoning the bad.

Crono-Centric Contemplation  A methodology of Tri-Phenomenal Carto-Contemplation that synchronizes the saints, the tarot arcana, and the liturgical calendar by starting with the liturgical calendar.  It involves considering the collective of saints ascribed to the day and then consulting the arcana they line up with by engaging the litanies and meditating on patterns that present among the many saints of the day.

Crypto-Catechumen Saints Post-incarnational saints who were saved through Christ by baptism by desire. These are the saved “anonymous Christains”, but the terminology “crypto-catechumen” keeps a purgatorial disposition in mind.  They were not in perfect communion with the church or with the teaching of Christ. But, then again, none of us are in this terrestrial life. 

Data Driven History A view of history that gears etiological.  History is seen as objective data points which are useful for predicting the future.  This view of history generally understands time in an empirical manner, measurable by synchronized rhythmic motion, and applies causality to such a degree as to imply at least soft determinism.

Demonic Displacement A habituation of vice one indulges in toward demons, cultivating fundamental  hate toward them. One then defines a human or human community as demonic or cooperating with demons and transfers that hate to the terrestrial sphere, compounding the evil.  One can now find the people one identifies with the ideas of evil and brand them a  “demonic” enemy.

Demonstrative Scapegoat Manuver A spiritual manuver that involves standing up for the most derided of society, the derision we receive is only met with a reminder that Christ calls us to accompany and love. When we are derided, we respond equally in love, because love is expansive and inclusive. Such a manuver is both a builder and a demonstrator of empathy.

Devotional Christology  A Christological approach which seeks guide one who engages in it toward a better or clearer way to approach Jesus or be inspired to worship him as the incarnate son of God.  Devotional Christology is “high Christology”, but high Christology that has a purpose, to come into a relationship with Christ in a particular way as God.

Digital Cognitive Re-association A skill used to foster intentional cognitive empathy and allow for Golden Rule. This technique combines “swap narratives”, the modern dissociative disorder trope in film, and introspective reimagination to practice a technique that reduces alienation by an assumption that one’s interlocutor is actually one’s self. 

Dispensation of Concern for the Near Occasion of Sin In St. Paul’s terms this is the injunction to pursue love even at odds with cultural norms even if those norms are generally appropriate [the law]. The near occasion of sin is a serious consideration and not lightly set aside. But if, after discernment, one realizes concern for it inhibits the gifts bestowed upon you by God to live a fully loving Christian life, it must be dispensed with, for any occasion can conceivably be a near occasion of sin. 

Divine Alchemy  Divine Alchemy is when God works outside of natural expectation [natural alchemy] to change the form or nature of a thing.

Divine Supersession Divine Supersession indicates our desire to combat, defeat and replace God, either with ourselves or by means of a piece of creation. 

The Dominion of the World The spirituality of that manifests when the Synthetic World has dominion over our spiritual lives. That is, when we place our locus of value laterally in or according to the Synthetic world rather than transcendently toward God.

The Dream World Quite simply the world one inhabits or experiences as one dreams.

Dynamic popular piety As opposed to official popular piety.  The premis rests on the fact that just because some devotions are “approved” does not mean that all other devotions are anathematized. Dynamic popular piety is the milieu of development for officially approved popular piety. Not being approved, it lacks a sense of certainty regarding its practice, yet dynamic popular piety presents as the adaptable living presence of the Church in the community. 

Dysfunctional Family A family consisting of any given structure wherein the members do not act according to personal beatitude and/or Christian power dynamics. The traditional family structure coupled with a severe patriarchal distribution of power can, in fact, intensify the dysfunctionality of the family because the structure itself is not enough to allow for functionality.

Ecclesiological Orientation  One’s “situation in the church.  This can break down by “lateral” or “hierarchical”. 

Ecclesiological Digital Influencer A person who sees communication technology and it’s ability to sway opinion as a means of reform of the church.  The narrative comes from understanding the spread of the “gospel” as a book as opposed to the person of Christ in the protastant reformation.  This misconception came about due to technological innovation of the printing press.  Now communication technolpgy has greatly advanced and ecclesiological digital influencers seek to sway mass amounts of people by    

Environmental Time  Rhythmic time that is external the observer.  Examples are the time that is measured by standardized rhythmic motion or “physical time” and “narrative time” which repeats as myths or Archetypes time and is calibrated by salvation history.

The Erotic Spectrum of Love A spectrum delineating people as attracted into varying qualities (for example in a hetero or homo orientation), yet they could be either or to varying degrees. In any given way attraction to express love to anyone is not sinful, but good. The only sin here is actions (for example sexual actions) that expresses love inappropriately.

Eschatological Retention Concerning the resurrection of the body this term refers to what you “keep” with a glorified or fully actualized body in traditional Christian thought.

The Eternal Temple Referenced in Hebrews CHapter 8, this is a reference to Jesus’ eternally effective sacrifice in heaven.

Evangelical Digital Cosmology A teleological cosmology founded on an evangelization of fulfillment. This cosmology sees the creation of the digital continent as a result of our concupiscent imbalance which has driven the modern western culture into assumed strict empiricism. Since, as humans, we desire to experience wholeness, which would include a balance of physical and spiritual, we have created a “spiritual world” of light, information, and relationship. In an evangelical digital cosmology, this creation is a result of theodicy, a piece of the puzzle of salvation history, and is a tool for human striving to spread the gospel. 

Evangelization of Condemnation   An evangelization that begins with condemning a person for their sins or ignorance in order to effect kerygma and build up their relationship with Christ. This type of evangelization works well if the target already shares the worldview of the evangelizer, but is less likely to be successful in a pluralistic society.

Evangelization of Fulfillment  An evangelization that utilizes a threefold process for effecting kerygma: recognition, edification, and excoriation. The evangelizer first recognizes the good of the target, then builds out that goodness towards a better relationship with Christ. Lastly, after a relationship of trust is built, the evangelizer is able to cut away unhealthy beliefs and practices. 

Examination of Sacrifices  An Examination of sacrifices has two parts.  First one calls to mind one’s sacrifices of  time, talent, and treasure in order to consciously bring them to the collect as a baptismal priest.  These sacrifices may be passive, giving up things, or active, doing things. Second one considers options on how to express these sacrifices in union with the wider liturgy.      

Existential Bifurcation The inability to live in the present as it is particularly fostered by modern scientific empiricism. The constant need to look to the past to predict the future at the expense of the present moment. 

Experienced Time The “present” as opposed to extra-experiential time.  It includes both phenomenological “inner” or personal experience of time and the external perception of time which is measured by standardized rhythmic motion.   

Experiential Empathy Empathy based on a shared trait or experience with our fellow humans. Empathy based on use of our personal experience to interpret or assume similarities with the experience of others.

Extra-experiential Time  The set of time that include the past and the future.  This phrase recognizes that phenomenologically, the past and the future only exist on the present as memory and prediction.   

Extraordinary Path of Righteousness A term derived from a host of characters in the scriptures starting with Japheth, who do not fit in the ordinary flow of salvation history, or act according to the ordinary form” of salvation history, yet are righteous people. The term assumes baptism by desire.

Extraordinary Religions Also known as Religion in the Extraordinary Form Japhethian Religions. This phrase that recognizes the fact that all religions are attempts to seek God with varying degrees of success. Given that such seeking is driven by desire it falls under the purview of baptism by desire and such religions are therefore open to the possibility of grace and even salvific effect. 

Extraterrestrial Being A being that lives in the (physical) heavens according to the new cosmology. The popular way to refer to them would simply be “aliens”, but specific mythological examples of these would be classical greys and greens, Klingons and Vulcans, Jedis and jawas, tralfamadorians, hrossa, séroni, pfifltriggi and an almost innumerable host of others.

The Field of Damnation The restricted circumstances of mortal sin and sin against the Holy Spirit that allows one to extract one’s self from God’s presence.


The Field of Salvation The entire scope of the cosmos and the human psyche that is open to grace and salvation through Christ.

First Person Alter Christus This is the baptismal priestly function of mediation where we present Christ to and for others.  The two first person modalities of christo-analogial interchange are “Christ as the helper” and “Christ as the helped”. 

Four Modalities of Christo-Analogical Interchange These modalities sum the possibilities for alter Christus presentations of a baptismal priest.  Given the dual nature of presentation, which requires a “presenter” and a “presented to”, there are four possibilites, two offering first person presentation of Christ and two offering second person presentation. The relationship assumes some sort of help is being offered and the modalities work to “Christ as the helper”, “Christ as the helped”, “the helper of Christ” and finally“helped by Christ”.   

Four-Fold Temple System The interplay of the Eternal, the, the cosmic, the corporeal, and the terrestrial temples.

Fulfillment, Cosmic Evangelization by This type of cosmic evangelization seeks to recognize those powers who have good influences and work with the Holy Spirit as preparers for Christ. This would put them in the ranks of angels under the leadership of St. Michael and under the authority of Christ. This is the tact one would take if the angelic power is one who recognizes the kingship of Christ. It is recognizable because the message and method of the extraordinary religion would be easily synchronizable with Christianity, with minimal aberration from the gospel. That aberration would be due to human misunderstanding and/or the angelic power meeting the people where they were at.

Functional Family A family consisting of any given structure wherein the members act according to personal beatitude and Christian Power dynamics. Such a family is open to the will of God, considering his plan rather than their own. Such a family unit seeks to concert the family purpose to the purposes of salvation history and the mission of the church on Earth. 

Fundamental Sacral Matter Fundamental sacral matter is the physical material that is needed to maintain Christianity. This matter consists of water, wheat flour, grape wine, olive oil, and three humans; one female, two males. Along with the deposit of faith, that would allow for the myth and form of Christianity, fundamental sacral matter is all that is needed to preserve Christianity. 

Hagrio Centric Contemplation  A methodology of Tri-Phenomenal Carto-Contemplation that synchronizes the saints, the tarot arcana, and the liturgical calendar by starting with the life of a saint.  It involves taking a saint of the day and discovering which arcana they line up with and meditating on how the saint and arcana interrelate.

Hagiographical Template  These are mythic templates of saints.  They follow a pattern that can be used to assess the holiness of a person and frame the trajectory of their life in order to tell their story.  There are many, yet the templates in common use can in no way be exhaustive and there is a need for expansion.

Hierarchical Ecclesial Orientation Where one is situated in one of the three hierarchies of the Catholic Church.  This orientation will give one an indication of who one should engage with concerning spiritual and moral direction and guidance.  Being aware of one’s orientation hierarchically should relive one of anxiety of things beyond one’s control.

Holy Death [Santa Muerte] A Principality or power that is constantly denied by demons because of Holy Death’s ability to bring to the human mind things of divinity. The domain of Holy Death is a dissolution, and under the patronage of Holy Death, the devote is reconciled to God through baptismal death with Christ. 

Homo-Agapic Love The love between people of the same sex that is of the self-emptying variety. The existence and utilization of homo-agapic love is necessary and accepted by Christians, but such types of love are not usually given the Greek prefix “homo”. The prefix may make some uneasy, but this is a cultural, not a religious problem. 

Homo-Erotic Love  Not to be confused with same-sexual desire, a concupiscent subset of homoerotic urges. Homo-erotic love exhibits the many good ways to be emotionally drawn by desire to people of the same sex. It is edifying, necessary, and certainly does lead to appropriate deep loving bonds.

Homo-Filial Love  Homo-filial love is the least controversial same-attractive relationship. But such types of love are not usually given the Greek prefix “homo”, This is love between people of the same sex that is driven by kinship bond or love of comrades set to a common task.

Indigent Priesthood The priesthood ordained by Christ to serve as an Iconic Sacramental of Jesus so that the lay priesthood will always have the ability to offer sacrifice according to their proper form. The indigent priest allows the lay Christian to treat Christ as he should have been treated while he dwelled physically on Earth.

Integration by Human Tactile Contact  An interpersonal union of being by use of cognitive emptiness and tactile perception of another human.  Such a shifting is most noticeable in the extreme such as sex or crucifixion but it can be practiced even in the mundane, such as a kiss, a handshake, the laying on of hands.       

Integration by Ingestion  Taking the external world into one’s self physically while at the same time practicing a shift in the locus of being by both tactile and olfactory sensation.  The olfactory sense is suited to taking one’s environment into one’s being by the internalization of smelling.   It seems to be phenomenologically geared to take the experiencer “back” to another place, allowing them to experience the interconnectedness of experience, self, space, and time. For the gustatory sense, by the act of taking, for example, the species of the Eucharist into our mouths, we are allowed the opportunity to shift our locus of being there, with Christ through the tactile sensation and the sense of taste.  

Integration by Material Tactile Contact A personal union in being with the material of the external world is achived.  It is performed by a tactile shift of one’s locus of being by use of an inanimate matter.  Most interesting for our purposes is contact with inanimate sacral matter, bread, wine, oil, and water.  This technique is a way to help reintegrate one’s sense of self with one’s environment and a way by which the sacraments help heal the alienation between humanity and the cosmos wrought by original sin. 

Intentional Cognitive Empathy The ability to or practice of cognitively placing yourself into someone's situation while understanding that you have not actually been in that situation or had that experience.

Interpersonal Parallel Signification When the couple signifies personal realities, either personal psycho-spiritual attributes or a community of persons.  Interpersonal Parallel Signification is foundationally a significtion of trinitarian life.  That said, Interpersonal parallel signification can break down as “bifurcated”, where each person signifies their own point of view at the same time, or “mutual parallel signification” where their interpersonal signification forms a cohesive sign.  Even under the bifurcated variety Christian ontology is at play and all is simple and manifold at the same time.  But mutual signification is more perfect and proper to sacral sexaul signification.

Intuitive Ritual Investment The ability to intuitively invest in a ritual because the culture itself is so synchronistic with the ritual that its symbols are effective, even if subconsciously, and the actor or observer need take no conscious action for the ritual to impart meaning, emotion, piety, desire for action etc. 

Introspective Reimagination A term recognizing that our minds from a picture of reality that is not necessarily reflective of the truth. Introspective reimagination is a technique for taking control of cognitive impressions (visuals, voices etc.) and, in the absence of an actual stimulus (such as radio or the digital continent), shaping those cognitive impressions with intention. 

Inversal Unity A phrase concerning Christian power dynamics that elicits the assumptions of Christian ontology (reality as simple and manifold at the same time). With inversal unity all positions of power are geared toward the same end, expression of love, all exercises of power are one, yet there are many varieties. This collapses a hierarchical structure into a single unit through inversion. Inversal unity takes the highest and inverts it, making it the lowest at the same time it is the highest.

Lapsarian Digital Cosmology  A cosmology of the digital continent that sees it as a postlapsarian inversion. In this cosmology, the digital continent is a lesser spiritual reality subject to physical reality, much how the physical world is seen as a lesser world subject to the spiritual world in a platonic cosmology.

Lateral Ecclesial Orientation  How one orients in mystical communion with the many small communities in one’s day to day life.  For example, how one may need to navigate one’s domestic church, one’s parish community, an archdiocese in communion with other parishes, and the consecrated people living in that archdiocese and abide in your parish. In these spheres all manner of hierarchical structures commingle in lateral relationships.  Being aware of one’s lateral orientation should give one impetus to act and engage in Church life as a member of the Body of Christ.

Liturgical Eros The expressive draw of liturgy.  Transcendent focused liturgy sparks eros vertically, drawing the human gaze to the divine.  Liturgy that focuses on the immanent presence of God, Draws “God down” and expresses vertically in an interhuman context, experiencing the divine in “the church” as the people of God, the mystical body of Christ.

Liturgical Expressive Depth A way of noting the anthropic plot point that liturgy seeks to resonate with cornering the spectrum of the anthropological paradox.  In short, at what “level of community” is liturgy aimed between the individual and “humanity”.

Locus of Being Where, in your body, you perceive your “self” to be. Usually, modern westerners perceive our “self” to be in our head right behind our eyes.

Lucid Waking The mirror of lucid dreaming. The ability to realize that one is awake, that one is living in the moment now, invested with a multivalent epistemology that is informed by conscious and reflective experience of the dream world.

Maintenance Morality  A moral calculation that is made concerning a situation or action that is only the result of postlapsarian existence and therefore, not geared toward some fundamental good for humanity. An example would be “medical ethics”. Illness does not exist in either Paradise or the Eschaton, thus moral contemplation concerning healing is not prefigurative or anagogical, there is no anagogical meaning, only present meaning on the moral nature of these actions.

Meta-myth   A deeply impactful or foundational myth of which shapes a macro culture.  Any given micro culture in the larger group may augment a meta-myth by means of a subsidiary myth that queues into the basic meaning but applies to particular situations. 

The Meta Paradox  The paradox that undergirds process paradox is the simultaneous existence of time and eternity or the finite and the infinite.  Being eternal, God can see all of created reality, including the flow of time itself (meaning god sees all time at once), as one consubstantial reality, which he has a hypostatic relationship with.

Multicentric Cosmology A Multicenter cosmology is an “experience” of astro-kinetic contemplation taken to it’s mystical end.  A multi-centric cosmology understands that the universe is galactocentric, heliocentric, geocentric, and anthropocentric because in the final analysis it is theo-centric and God abides in and loves all of his creation.  

Multivalent Cosmology The ability to using multiple cosmologies at the same time.

Multivalent Devotion The phrase multivalent devotion hints at the host of ways of playing out ritual and expressing and sharing our deeper selves with each other and God.

Multivalent Epistemology An awareness that there are possibly differing ways to “know” and differing ways concerning how one “knows” something.

Mundane priesthood  Of the four types of priesthood defined in the paper The Onesiman Interface, these three are the ones that abide on Earth. Christ as priest resides in heavens. The mundane priesthood is the sacramentally ordained priest who officiates the sacraments of the institutional church, the priesthood of the baptized who are priests by the sacrifices they make in their daily lives, and the indigent priesthood who stand in for Christ allowing the lay priesthood the chance to offer secular sacrifice.

Mythic Existentialism  Ability to deconstruct the existential backdrop of any given mystic genre according to standard Jungian archetypal construction and work with that meaning in real time a calculated ritual unfolds. 

Mythic History The practice of history with the understanding that history gives meaning.  Or, time as measured by the rhythmic narratives of humanity such as archetypal rhythms and the rhythms of salvation history. Mythic history is less data driven, and less focused on prediction in nature, instead focusing the student on the present.  To engage in “doing” mythic history involves a focus of narrative over facts.  Mythic history recognizes the importance of the data of history, in as much as it recognizes that creation itself is a sacramental expression of salvation history.  At the same time the practice of mythic history can be near caricatured focus and downplaying of facts.  It could be an exploitation of the necessary vagary of language to a poetic end.   A culture or person that does this type of history will better facilitate a healthy ritual life with intuitive ritual investment because narrative appropriation is easier.  Mythic history is the application of phenomenological time (as it toggles between the waking world and the dream world) to the waking world. 

Mythic-lens Reconstruction  Viewing reality in a different way in order to fully utilize myth in our moral, aesthetic, and ritual lives.  There are three ways to focus when practicing mythic-lens reconstruction, celestial mythic beings, terrestrial mythic beings, and magical powers.

Mythic Saints Saints who queue into mythic history by the narrative of their lives, but who do not nominally lign up with a person in etiological history.  The hagiography of these saints tells a dramatic story of struggle or belief that are common in Christianity.  But it turns out that the actual “person” of the story may not have existed as an individual. This type of saint gives a names to those who have accessed salvation and embody the common struggle of mythic history, but whose names we don’t know. 

Narrative Appropriation  As creatures one way we find our meaning, individually and collectively, is by stories and narratives. We appropriate the characters and stories into our personality (or culture on the collective level). This could be a conscious skill or an unconscious programming.  Narrative appropriation may be conscious, that is, consciously chosen by the participant, or intuitive, that is, appropriated subconsciously. 

Natural Alchemy Natural Alchemy hints at the way that things in nature seem to shift form constantly.

Nihilistic Relativism A philosophical position which positively and dogmatically asserts that there is no objective truth. Regarding morality, this becomes a view that since there is no truth, moral action is at best whatever a culture decides is moral or at worst whatever any individual decides. 

Nontraditional Family Structure Any other family structure that is not “traditional”. In the paper The Dysfunctional Human Family and the Nontraditional Holy Family it is pointed out that God does not depend on structure for functionality. God offers the grace of beatitude and humans cooperate according to whatever structure they inhabit.

Non-virgin [Sexual Co-Signifier] Under the cooperative concept of virginity “non-virgins” are the special people.  They are the people who had the vision, discipline, and effective love to make sacral sex signify divine mysteries. It is an honorary title because it connotes a particular type of sacramental success.  The summation of chastity in marriage is when the couple has achieved the status of non-virgins, they have successfully cooperated with the grace of the sacrament and ritually signified divine mysteries through their sexual lives. 

Nonymous Saints Saints that are canonized, but there is little to no hagiography. That is to say, they are historical personages whose names we know, but nothing else.  These include a host of saints who appear in the New Testament among lists of names in Paul's letters or as disciples of Christ, as well as collective groups of saints and individual saints with scanty to no narrative hagiography. 

Nuptial Diarchy [Dyad] A married couple.  The phrase calls one to recognize the hierarchical position of the married couple, that they have an independent self generating hierarchy, and it recognize their authority over the members of their domestic church.

Nuptial Signification  The sacramentally significant way that nuptial dyads practice parallel significance.  While the other two modes of corporeal signification (baptism and ordination) are priestly, the nuptial mode predates the incarnation, thus it’s uses predate priesthood.  Therefore, one unique facet is the ability to cosmically signify as opposed to simply sacrificially or  as mediation.

Object-Culpability Spectrum A Moral teaching strategy to assess a students need to either be reigned in by education concerning intrinsic evil or to be better able to assess their culpability when acting morally. Do they need to know whether an act is intrinsically evil or do they need to understand the effects of intention and circumstance on culpability (sin)? 

Offensive to Pious Ears A belief that is orthodox according to church teaching, but easily misunderstood or misapplied.

Onesiman Interface A methodology concerning how to personally act justly in a situation where one is forced to participate in the structures of social sin. The methodology involves a beatitudnal reorientation recounted by Paul in his letter to Philemon regarding the escaped slave Onesimus.

Ordained Priesthood [Priesthood of Ordination]  This is the hierarchical priesthood in the catholic church.  It has two specific tasks exercise authoritative teaching by virtue of the ordained bishop and act in the ritual system of the Church in persona Christi.  This type of priesthood is cooperative and compatible with baptismal priesthood.

Ordinary Path of Righteousness The path of righteousness that follows the clear revelation and process of salvation history as laid out in scriptures and tradition. 

Ordinary Religions  Also known as Religion in the Ordinary Form. A religion that is part of the development of salvation history, through which God’s grace is objectively accessible. The two examples of ordinary religions are Judaism and Christianity.

Oriented Ecclesiological Influencer  A well or properly oriented ecclesiological influencer is person who understands both their hierarchical and lateral orientation in the church and makes good use of their life in the body of Christ.  Their life, if well lived, will influence the church as a whole.  The influence may be immediate and intense if one is, say, pope. OR it may have a longitudinal effect if one is, say, a nuptial dyarch.  A poorly oriented ecclesiological influencer tries only to influence outside of their hierarchical station or tries to influence in spaces outside of their lateral community, without proper discernment, vocation and/or ministry .

Our First Vocation [Humanity’s Original Vocation] Care of creation.  This vocation is the only command that bridges both prelapsarian creation stories. 

Pan-Human Christian Charity The ability to properly express love to all people of the world, including those of the same bio-sex.

Pan-human Ritual Archetype The four basic types of calculated ritual that humans engage in. These four types are ritual concerning growth, sacrifice, healing, and vocation. 

Paradoxical Scale   Paradoxical scale is indicative of the binding relationships that pervade reality and how they interact with objects and even as “objects”.  Because reality is simple and manifold at the same time it can be parsed and collapsed infinitely.  This means that a binding paradox can house paradoxes as hypostasis and at the same time be part of a larger paradox.  

Parallel Signification Parallel Signification refers to corporeal signification as presented by two people, where the relationship, physical or psychospiritual, affects the sacramental signification.   Parallel signification can be affected according to the two persons’ priesthood, ordained and baptismal in sacramental ritual or two baptismal priests via their mutual roles as alter Christus’.  In the context of marriage a Nuptial dyad can parallel signify through their holy vocation in manners borth interpersonal or cosmic.  Parallel signification finds its highest nuptial expression in the sexual life of the dyad.  

Passive [Sexual] Purity A way of defining seual purity that sculpts purity through negation.  Impurity is seen as accrued by morally poor or impure sexual action.  Purity is avoiding these actions and situations.  One invested in a passive sexual purity will tend to see celibacy as preferable given the logical progression of implications.  One invested in a passive sexual purity is also often incidentally invested in a concept of virginity that is biological.  

Peak Metaphysical Syndrome A reinterpretation of Premenstrual Syndrome, where the focus lies on the good and potential good uses of the state as opposed to the physically and emotionally painful symptoms that are often categorized as “hysteria”.

Pedagogical Specificity of Focus A teaching strategy implemented when pedagogues recognize where, in the vast curriculum, they need to lay focus to suit the specific needs of their pupils.

Pedagogical Strategic Cloaking A teaching strategy implemented when pedagogues recognize that certain information would be damaging given the situation of the pupil or pupils.

Perfect Striving  The perfection available to humans in postlapsarian reality according to Thomas Aquinas’ third variety of perfection.  In this perfection, we have neither perfect will, perfect desire, nor perfect knowledge.  This perfection relies completely “on the part of the lover as regards the removal of obstacles to the movement of love.” It is a transitory perfection, allowing for the goal of the New Jerusalem.  But it is described as a “perfection”, not a stopgap, technique or antidote.

Phenomenological Time Time as it is perceived by the subject.  There are rhythmic measurements  of phenomenological time, the rhythm of abidance in the waking world and abidance in the dream world  and the rhythm of conscious awareness, where one utilizes cognition and will, and habitual stupor where, though awake, one is operating by habit not will.   

Physical Time  The variety of environmental time as science defines it.  This is time that is measured by standardized rhythmic motion.

The Physical World The world as one experiences it in a publicly verifiable way. This world excludes dreams visions, hallucinations, ghosts etc. as part of its makeup.

Pneumo-basics The skills needed to have a basic religious disposition, for example, some sort of awareness of God, some level of sympathy or empathy, or some kind of understanding of human dignity.

Postlapsarian Inversion A fundamental shift in the way reality works that happened as a result of the Fall. It can be an inversion the converts a good to bad use, or it can be an inversion of necessity from a good to a new way of participating in the good.  Examples of this would be the nudity of Adam and Eve, proper and appropriate in paradise and the nudity of Noah in Gen 8 which is improper after the fall, thus clothing is now good.  This is born out of the fact that God can bring good even from the bad that we engage in (God makes the clothes for the first parents).

Postlapsarian Virtues  Virtues that would not be possible in Eden, but because of the Fall have developed to combat sin and adjust to the postlapsarian world. 

Predictive Analytics A predictive analytical approach to the future uses a data driven understanding of history in order to predict future events by deduction out of a deterministic cosmology.  The concept of predictive analytics is remythologization of the scientific method which recognizes the process as a process of “fortune telling” in order to bring the process back into the moral sphere of human life.    

Process Approach to Paradox A paradox can be subject to process evaluation/interpretation when it involves any element of reality that instigates flux, for examples “sentient will” or “time”.  Elements of flux are very mysterious. They aren’t objects or relationships.  Rather they are the matrices that drive causality or that are developers of potentiality.

Profound Elicitation As a technique of astro-kinetic contemplation, profound elicitation is a method for using an astro-kinetic chart to organize one’s thoughts and intentions regarding a situation in their life or thier regard for their life.  The technique applies the methods of acquiring aspects and possibly the transits of classical astrology to acquire insight as a method of astro-kinetic contemplation rather than “fortune telling”.   

Progressive Integralist (ism) An integralist who understands that the social Justice doctrine of the Church is the result of adaptive process of political dialogue with the church as culture shifted from monarchy to liberal democracies over the past few centuries.

Proto-Christian Saints These are the saints who accepted the invitation of Christ during the Harrowing of Hell.  They include those in the ordinary structure of salvation history (the people of Israel including canonized Old Testament Figures) and members of other traditions outside of the ordinary framework of salvation history, pagans.  The existence of the proto-Christian Saints [both objective and as they exist in the canon] validates both the mystical body model of the church and the validity of baptism by desire.

Pulp Spiritual Direction  An image based meditation and contemplation in a relationship of charitable sharing and edification which uses decks of cards with the aim of subtle a evangelization of fulfillment. The ritual itself has three parts.  First there is an introduction which sets both expectation and the foundational relationship.  Second, there is a query.  The last part is the reading itself, which has four basic parts.  It begins with a narrative, then presents an expanded analysis, an in depth linear analysis and lastly a focal meditation. 


Purgatorial Disposition When we regard our neighbor with a purgatorial disposition, we remember God’s mercy and patience with us, and extend that same mercy and patients to others.  It recalls in our minds the developmental nature of becoming a saint, the imperfection we all experience in this terrestrial life, and of accepting grace as opposed to earning it.  

Receptive Sacral Material [Receptive Sacral Matter] The human body conformed by baptism to receive grace in the cosmic temple.

Regressive Integralist (ism) An integralist who looks to the past for an ideal government structure.  Such integralists are usually monarchists and are more likely to tend to toxic integralism.

Replacement, Cosmic Evangelization by  This type of cosmic evangelization is applied if a malevolent celestial power is ultimately rebellious or unable to convert. The evangelizer can exchange from a demonic celestial power to saintly celestial being who resides in the heavens and intercedes for us. The ritual activity is still shifted from latria to dulia much like a cosmic evangelization of conversion, but the heavenly being is also shifted from angelic to human, a reminder that it is the humans who are judging the angels.

Ritual Economy of Invasion An understanding of the sacraments that sees reality as bereft of grace and the sacraments as ritual mechanisms  that bring grace from above into places where it was not before.

Ritual Redemption  A calculated ritual that relates to the meta-myth of the redemption.  Ritual Redemption involves buying the freedom of someone who is physically enslaved.  But a ritual redemption is one where the practitioner's body, by narrative appropriation, is used as a sacral instrument to display the redemption of Christ for all of humanity.   This ritual is not one of the seven sacraments, thus the priesthood invoked is baptismal, not ordained.

Sacral Sex Sexual activity that takes place in a sacramental marriage and most effectively channels the grace of the sacrament through the chief sacramental sign of the union. It is a recognition that the sexual act presents trinitarian life to the couple engaged in the act.

Sacral Sexual Agenda [agenda of sexual sacralization] An agenda that seeks to offer due respect to the sacred role of sexuality in the Catholic Church.  There is a twofold agenda, one personal and one social.  The personal agenda is one of “sexual evangelization”, that teaches nuptial dyads to participate in rites of sacral sexuality.  The agenda works on a model of conscious ritual investment in order to achieve a culture where intuitive ritual investment is possible.  The social agenda operates via, hagiographical expansion.  That is, it seeks to promote hagiographical templates to help seek saints that can narrativly promote the goodness and sanctity of sacral sexuality.     

[Sacral] Sexual Pageantry Sexual pageantry is the union of progression and meaning presented in a sacral sexual rite as it unfolds and develops via foreplay and positions.

[Sacral] Sexual Significance A phrase recognizing the effective sacramental nature of a nuptial dyad’s sexual life.  It particularly emphasises the fact that sex signifies divine love and divine mysteries, that is, it makes divine love and divine mhysteries present.  See Also: Parallel Signification. 

Sacramental Cosmology [Worldview] A worldview that sees all of creation as a communication system of love from God toward humanity. Such a cosmology sees physical reality as a conveyor of grace. 

Sacramental Reconstitution The idea that sacraments achieve sanctification and integration first by the justification of humanity, which if successful will make the human a gateway between divinity and creation, then by justifying and sacralizing creation itself, by employing the material world into the prayer life of the church, into the body and self of the Church and its individual members and therefore into relation with God. 

Sacred Space A space is set up to contrast the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It is designed as a place to encounter quite and peace. The space itself is meant to channel an entire system where the invisible realities of myth grace become visible by physical signs.

Sacred Time A time that is set aside for calculated ritual. Sacred time binds all time into one and allows the participant in a calculated ritual to become part of the mythic events that inform the ritual. 


Sacrificial Detachment Such detachment operates in an objective rather than spectral way.  It identifies some “object” as harmful or destructive in one’s life, though often that object is desirable.  That object must the be extricated from one’s life completely so that one can reorient one’s priorities.

Sacrificial Economy The sacrificial back and forth between Christ and the church, the ordained priest and the baptized priest and the liturgy and “the world”.  Each of these three reciprications finds a complete communion in the mass when, in ministering, the ordained priest is Christ (in persona Christi) and the church (standing before Christ) during the ritual.  The priest “collects” the sacrifices of the baptismal priesthood, preformed in the world, into one and all are offered as one sacrifice through the mass.  This healing and sacralization of the world by the baptismal priesthood, collected and offered by the ordained priesthood, binds the sacrifice of the mystical body of Christ (the church) the corporeal body of Christ, sacrificed on the cross, and makes these sacrifices effective. 

Same-Attractive Dyadinal Solemn Relationship  A solemnly vowed relationship between two people of the same sex in order to build loving relationships and edify each other in Christ. The assumption is that such a relationship would explore love in all ways appropriate to the Church's teaching.

Same-Attractive Solemn Relationships A solemnly vowed relationship binding people of the same sex in a community in order to build loving relationships and edify each other in Christ. The assumption is that such a relationship would explore love in all ways appropriate to the Church's teaching. Such relationships are commonly called religious orders.

Second Person Alter Christus This is the baptismal priestly function of sacrifice where we meet Christ in others and offer sacrifice.  The two second person modalities of christo-analogial interchange are “the helper of Christ” and “helped by Christ”.

Sexual Evangelization  A three part process seeking to nutralize harmful views about sexuality and heighten the awareness of sex and sexuality as a sacred reality by. The process first identifies sexual fantasy and desires such as fetishes and kinks as the secular world manifests them.  Then the process decodes and distills the meaning or yearning of these desires.  It deconstructs these fantasies, decoding their symbology, distilling their meaning, and looking at their desires.  Working on the assumption that sexuality and sexual desire were created good and assuming a lack of the fulfillment of sexuality and sexual desire that causes our sexual problems, the basic urges identified can be approached with an aim toward healing the broken ones and building the good ones into sacral fantasies.  Thus the last task is to heal and rebuild on top of the foundational good desire and urge present, or retranslate, sublimate, or regear that desire toward something comparable but good. 

Sexual Hagiographical Expansion A program that operates by takeing the hagiographical templates that celebrate celibacy and virginity, analyze then for thier fundamental virtue and meaning, and then seek a balancing virtue or menaing in order to sculpte a template involving sacral sex, in which nuptial dyads can invest.  

Sexual Seasonal Affinity A sculpted affinity between how a nuptial dyad signifies through sexaul pageantry and the menstrual, cosmic and/or liturgical seasons as present in the life of the dyad.

Spectral Approach to Paradox  The spectral approach is less object-oriented and focuses more on the relationship.  One generally approaches intangible paradoxes in spectral ways.  By defining the extremes of these intangibles one comes to a categorization of “object”.  The flow of the spectrum is the gradation or quality of the relationship that binds the extremes together. 

Social Basics The skills needed to interact with our fellow humans as well as possible. This concerns both moral and cultural interaction.

Somnium Spirituality A spirituality that incorporates the dream world as a way to come to an experience of God, foster devotion, and informs one’s view of the waking world.

Soteriologically-Exclusive Seeing the number of those that are saved as being the smaller part of humanity.

Soteriologically-Inclusive Seeing the number of those that are saved as being the larger part of humanity.

Stable Immortality of the Soul The belief that the soul is indestructible, contrasted to a belief in a contingent immortality of the soul, where at death one nihilates into nothingness, but God’ brings one back.

Subjective Time  A variety of phenomenological time that presents as a rhythm of conscious awareness and habitual slumber.  In conscious awareness one exercises cognition and will.  In habitual slumber, one operates on habit and does not choose one’s actions.

Subsidiary Myth  A subsidiary myth works syncrenestically with an overarching meta-myth.  It usually applies the general themes of the meta-myth to a particular situation, filling the themes and expanding the application. Or the subsidiary myth plays up a certain theme of the meta-myth that it particularly relevant to the micro-culture or time period.  

Substantial Approach to Paradox This method approaches paradox ontologically and assumes hypostatic relationships. Meaning the dualities are approached as individual things, treated or viewed possibly as “substances” or “objects”, that must be worked into a compatibility or are present as a complementarity.

The Synthetic World “The World”, which means the world of human affairs as ordered by humans absent calibration to Divine will and relationship. In the synthetic world humans work collectively to self-define, self-determine, and combat God. In as much as we create closed self-referential systems as humans, we are fashioning ourselves the orderers, opposing the order of the Logos. The Synthetic World, as ordered in isolation from divinitynecessaritly becomes oppressive and cannibalistic. 

Teleological Disorder  This type of disorder according is something not working toward its teleological target.  This could be by use or by development toward its end.  One can draw out two ways that people morally calculate disorder concerning purpose.  The first would be a disorder that recognizes the end of potentiality and does not go as far as its defined.  The other is disordered because it is headed in a contrary direction as or use of the end.

The Teleological Spectrum of Human Sexuality A spectrum concerning the weight of moral concern about each purpose of sexual action, unitive or procreative, in moral theology. This spectrum runs from the more conservative who desires to emphasise the procreative to the more progressive who seeks to emphasize the unitive.

Teleological Target Purpose either by use or by development toward something's end.

Temperate Detachment An introspective process that involves the practice of temperance along a spectrum of identity and personal function.  It requires a balancing fulcrum of loving holistic application that corrects over identification with the part of one’s self.  Any employment of such detachment is a psychological holding pattern exercised in order to facilitate fulfillment of its target.

Temporal Interpretive Paradox  This paradox toggles between the interpretation of time as something that can be objectively (externally) “measured” and understanding time as synonymous with the perceiver's phenomenological experience of time.  Together these two interpretations form a temporal interpretive paradox which can be dealt with as “substantial”. The substantial approach to paradox approaches paradox ontologically and assumes hypostatic relationships. Meaning the dualities are approached as individual things, treated or viewed possibly as “substances” or “objects”, that must be worked into a compatibility or are present in a complementary way.  In this case, the two “substances” are the objective “outside world” and the subjective “person”.

Temporal Interpretive Priority This phrase draws attention to whether one interprets experienced time (the present) by extra experiential time (the past and the future), which facilitates existential bifurcation.  Or whether one interprets extra experiential time by experienced time, which aids moral choice and meeting God in the present.

Terrestrial Temples  Sacred Spaces when noted as the nexus of a four fold Tempel system needed in Postlapsarian reality.

Terrestrial Mythic Beings  The fantastic beings that inhabit the earth in the myths of old.  Through mythic-lens reconstruction, one can still find varieties of them dwelling on Earth today. 

Thanatosian Piety A piety toward Holy Death that keeps God’s ultimate sovereignty in mind, yet recognizes the part Holy Death has to play in God’s creation.

Theocentric Ecological Consciousness A phrase indicating the shift form a simple secular and pragmatic environmentalism, to an environmentalist that buys into a sacramental cosmology and has a teleology that propels toward divinity. 

Theological Disputatiousness   A pharisaical attitude that seeks to win theological arguments as opposed to living theological principles or have them affect one’s life.  Theological disputatiousness is born out of a Christian tribalism that is roundly condemned by St. Paul throughout his letters.  It implies a disposition that uses theology to combat, bully, abuse, or insult one’s fellow Christians.  

Three Fundamental Relationships  When regarding Christian ontology there are three fundamental ways of approaching relationships.  The most general is the hypostatic relationship.  In a hypostatic relationship, any two objects become one reality through a relationship, though they maintain distinctiveness.  This analysis takes as its starting point how the realities are different or differentiated.  The second is a consubstantial relationship.  In a consubstantial relationship, two things of the same substance become one through a relationship.  This analysis takes as its starting point the preexistence similarity or “oneness” of the relational situation.  The third fundamental relationship is the interpersonal or loving relationship.  This type of relationship implies an awareness of individuation, a self-awareness. The “objects” in this relationship are aware that they are separate and must come to oneness through a process of self-emptying and the mysterious force of will.

The Three Hierarchies of the Catholic Church The three hierarchies of the Catholic Church are the clerical, the consecrated, and the domestic.  Each interacts with the other according to proper lateral ecclesiological orientation, but they function as independent hierarchies when considered as “top down” models.

Three Tiered Field of Experience  When contemplating how one experiences one’s “self” and “the world” there seems to be three tiers of experience.  The first tier is the sense of the “interior self”, the psyche.  The interior self does not seem to exist as part of the physical world. The second tier is the sense of the self as bodily, this is one’s “self” as it abides in the physical world.  The third tier of experience is the sense of the “external world” that is the physical world beyond the body.  

Three Tiered Integration of the Self  The three tiered integration of the self is an expansive giving of self to the “other” in a way that is binding, even to an ontological level.  The purpose is to heal the divisive alienation (broken relationships) shot through creation by original sin.  It is a collapse of three tiered field of experience into self, such that one experiences Christian ontology as a reality, that all is simple and manifold at the same time.  Thus one’s interior life, one’s corporeal life and what one had perceived of as “the external world” are all now perceived of as one’s self.  

Toxic integralism (ist) This strawman construction surmises the weaker points of the “integralist debate”.  It draws attention to the sophomoric impatient disdain for the political state of affairs by some integralists.  It points out the tendency of a Sola Traditio proof texting that amounts to picking and choosing of magisterial documents for validation.  It also sheds light on the unchristian desire for authoritarian/oppressive governmental structures, the desire for colonial imposition of Euro-Christian culture and possibly even the desire for forced conversion. 

Traditional Family Structure In American culture this is generally conceived of as a unit consisting of parents and children called a nuclear family.

Traditional Human Family Traditional meaning according to human tradition. This phrase indicates that the families of Adam and Noah are corrupted by original sin. Thus any given structure conceived of or used by the traditional human family cannot itself make the family functional, only the grace of the incarnate God, who came from a nontraditional family structure. 

Trans-terra-celestial creature, [Also known as a Body-Soul Separated Person] as a complete being existing in both heaven and earth because the spirit is still bound in relation to the body, which is in seed form laying in the earth until all things are complete. This phrase reiterates the dogma of bodily resurrection and reminds one that the body and soul are still in relationship even after death though they are awaiting reunification at the parousia

Trans-terra-celestial reality [The Church as] A recognition that the church as it is across time geography and from heaven to earth forms one reality and that we here on earth at this time stand in true relationship with those abiding in heaven.

Trans-terra-celestial relationship  A phrase recognizing that relationships between those abiding on this Earth and those abiding in heaven are as valid and real as those between two Earth-dwelling humans.

Tri-Phenomenal Carto-Contempaltion a meditation that connects specific litanies of saints to the Arcana of the Tarot and synchronizes both with the liturgical Calander. It is an active meditation on three realms, engagements with the saints, meditation on the symbology of the cards, and synchronicity with the liturgical calendar.

Tribal Ecclesiological Digital Influencer The tribal ecclesiological digital influencer has aligned himself with a group in the church and is seeking to conform the universal church to the expression of that one group.  The group may be an extra-eccesial group, such as a political ideology, or may be a cultural or functional temporal- bound manifestation of catholicism, which the member or group has mistaken for “universal” catholicism.  That mistake coupled with the call for a “new evangelization”  gives the tribal ecclesiological influencer the feeling that the church has gone awry and it is the task of theri group (the “true church”) to call everyone back.

Tribalized Myopia A disorder operation of the Sythetic World in concert woith the Dominion of hte World where World takes a virtue that one need not personally practice, elevates it above all the others, and then uses it as a bludgeon against those who struggle with such a virtue.

Virtuous Demonic Scapegoating Practicing virtues by employing dispositions toward the demonic, which one can then more easily turn toward humans one brands as troublesome, evil, or demonicly inclined.   The demon then becomes a scapegoat, but not one that takes evil abuse, rather one that takes benevolent virtue, in order to allow one to habituate oneself toward that virtue and more easily practice the virtue in all fields of life.

The Versatile Contemplative Spread [Pattern] Consist of ten imaged cards that form a pyramidal triangle.  The pattern offers a narrative of a query and expands that narrative seeking to probe the flux of phenomenological time as well as the scope of the three tiered field of experience regarding a query. Further analysis regards three primary lines and four auxiliary lines as well as a focal card that is used as a lens of interpretation for the entire base.

The Waking World The world one experiences as one is awake, not to be confused with the “physical world”, which is also publicly verifiable. The waking world includes visions, hallucinations, ghosts etc. as part of its makeup.

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