Table of Contents - Transpositional Theology


Table of Contents - Transpositional Theology 

Adaptive Integralism: Unmasking Toxic Integralism Toward Social Fulfillment as Alter Israel

Aneusomy Syndromes and Eschatological Retention: You can't Take it With You . . . Or Can you? . . .

Anthro-Expansivity and the Natural Next Step of The Great Commission:  A Longitudinal Application Concerning the Trajectory of the Age of Exploration 

Applied Remythologization:  Pneumatic Exercises for Moral Clarity Through Acquisition of a Multivalent Cosmology 

Are Relics a Relic of the Past? Toward a Sacralized Skull and Bones Aesthetic and the Acquisition of a Healthy Corpore-Morbid Spirituality

Birth Control vs Labor Rights?: Bridging the Culture Wars through a Sacramental Consciousness

Calculated Demonic Attunement:  Skills for Forcing the Hand of Satan and Making the Demons Work for Your Salvation

Christian Ontology:  Understanding the Mathematical Formula by Which One May Teach Trinitarian Theology

Compounding Concupiscence and Cross-Spectral Mutual Pedagogy:  Skills for Neutralizing the Damaging Effects of Homophobia and Learning Pan-Human Christian Charity

Corporeal Unitive Fulfillment in the Eschaton: Exploring Eschatological Pleasures as they Concern Participation in the Communion of Saints 

Cosmic Evangelization:  How the Pilgrim Church on Earth Facilitates the Conquest of the Principalities and Powers 

A Diarchic Sex Manual: Programs, Skills, and Maneuvers of the Sacral Sexual Agenda

Digital Evangelization:  Skills for Abiding in the Digital Continent From Environmental Concerns to Digital Cognitive Re-association

Divine Gender Transcendence and Incarnational Divine Presence: How Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega of Gender Identity

The Dysfunctional Human Family and the Nontraditional Holy Family: Parsing Family Structure and Family Values as a means of Grace

The Ecclesial Celebration of Reconciliation: Glorigfying God by Signifying His Mercy to the Church

The Ecclesial Function of Sacred Infirmity:  How Anointing of the Sick Actualizes the Significant Nature of Illness and Death

Ecclesiological Orientation: The Influencers, The Diarchies, and The Digital Continent

Fulfilling the Synthetic World by Breaking the Dominion of the World: Knowledge and Skills for Being in the World but not of the World

Intuitive Ritual Investment and Conscious Ritual Investment: An Analysis of The Crowning of Mary as Calculated Ritual Informed by Somnium Spirituality 

Inversal Unity and The Divine Triple Descent: A Eucharistic Spirituality to Cultivate Humility Through Narrative Appropriation and an Analysis of Christian Power Dynamics 

Liturgical Form and Liturgical Expression: Reflections Concerning  Engaged and Active Participation by Baptismal Priesthood During The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

The Manifold Priesthood of the Catholic Church: How the Four Modalities Christo-Analogical Interchange Function in the Sacrificial Economy

Meditations on the Solemnity of All Saints:  Actualizing Free Exercise of Veneration by Means of a Purgatorial Disposition 

Modern Slavery and the Mercedarians:  Seeking a Reinvestment in Ritual Redemption by Exercise of Applied Remythologization

Mythic History and Contemplative Prediction:  Against the Perils of Deductive Determinism and Predictive Grasping

The Onesiman Interface: The Sacral Investiture of the Indigent as an Individual Aid to Social Sin

Ordinary and Extraordinary Religions: How Divine Initiative Works Through any Intentionally Attuned Mediator

On Promotion of a Theocentric Ecological Consciousness: Environmental Activism as a Facilitation of Divine Worship

Paradoxes and Disorders: Analyzing the Interface of Christian Mystery, Christian Theodicy, and Divine Pedagogy

Relativism, Conscience, and The Magisterium:The Grace of the Church as a Sacrament and the Error of the Church as “Paperwork”

Sacramental Cosmology:  The Nature and Purpose of the Universe and the Minimum Requirement for the Survival of Christianity

Same-attractive Dyadinal Solemn Relationships: Exploring Notions of Love and Commitment

Somnium Spirituality: Pneumatic Exercises for Applying the Universal Church to the Dream World

The Spiritual Sacrifice of the Incarnation: Epistemological Considerations by Companionship and Devotional Christology 

The Three Tiered Integration of Self:  A Spirituality by Christian Anthropology Through Comparative Studies

Temperate and Sacrificial Detachment: Christian Love as the Fulfillment of the Third Noble Truth

Toward Appropriate Thanatosian Piety: A Defense of Santa Muerte, Subject of Christ the King and Acolyte of His Great High Priesthood

Two Paths for Expanding True Love: Information and Skills for Discerning Communal Life

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Fulfilling the Synthetic World by Breaking the Dominion of the World: Knowledge and Skills for Being in the World but not of the World

  Fulfilling the Synthetic World by Breaking the Dominion of the World  Knowledge and Skills for Being in the World but not of the World Int...